Our Refund Policies

Returns / Refund

Please read and make sure you fully understand our refund policy prior to making a payment. Should you have other questions about our policies, feel free to call us at +91-120-4517000 and [email protected]

No Refunds

No refunds shall be given by Spring Time Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd (“STSSPL”) for any software or services provided by STSSPL (“Services”) to Customers.
Fees paid to STSSPL including but not limited to User Licenses, Portal Users, Hosting Charges, monthly recurring software access fee, software development charges, website design / development charges, mobile app development charges, software development charges, maintenance charges, consultancy charges shall be deemed earned, due, payable and non-refundable once paid to STSSPL. If Customer does not use the software or services, no refunds shall be given.
Quality of service, products, or uptime shall not impact this refund policy

Definition of Services

The definition of services shall be any services, access, software, data, Platform(s), products, licenses, users or other similar item(s) provided by STSSPL as described in the Service Agreement, Terms of Service, scope of work contract, or an Order.


STSSPL may at any time, without prior notice under its sole discretion, amend this policy from time to time. You are therefore requested to review this policy periodically. Your continued use of STSSPL’s software or services after any such amendments automatically implies your acceptance of the same thereof.

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